This Good Word, Episode 191 | Spiritual Trauma with Hillary McBride

Hillary McBride is a registered clinical counselor in private practice in Vancouver and Ph.D. candidate in Counselling Psychology at UBC. When she is not doing clinical work she is researching, speaking, and writing. Her areas of clinical and research specialty focus on the intersection of spirituality and mental health, trauma, and trauma therapies, embodiment, eating disorders, body image, sex, and sexuality.

Hillary's work has been recognized by both the American and Canadian Psychological Associations, and she was recently awarded the International Young Investigator Award for her research contributions so early in her career. In 2017, she published her first book with Post Hill Press - Mothers, Daughters, and Body Image: Learning to Love Ourselves as We Are, and she is the senior editor of a textbook, Embodiment and Eating Disorders: Theory, Research, Prevention and Treatment, which came out in 2018. You can hear her work on as a co-host on the Liturgists Podcast, host of CBC Podcast Other People's Problems, follow her on Twitter or Instagram, and find more of her work at

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all photos by Sarah Nickerson