This Good Word, Episode 164: Live at Art House North with Tov Music and Shawn Smucker

My dear friends Shawn Smucker (author of The Day the Angels Fell and The Edge of Over There) and Tov Music (whose debut LP Confluence is coming out in just over a month) joined me at Art House North for my first ever live podcast on August 10th, 2018.We talked mystery, the progressive nature of the Bible, art, music, story, Midrash, and about a million other things. Tov played four songs and Shawn did two readings. We asked so many questions, and we laughed a LOT.


Subscribe to Tov Music's newsletter here, and check out their upcoming shows here.Their new single - The Day the Fire Came - is about finding hope and new life in seemingly hopeless situations. At the beginning of the song, a news anchor can be heard announcing news about the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado Springs. At the end of the audio clip, there’s a fireman that can be heard saying hopelessly “there’s nothing we can do.” So good. Listen on Spotify, Youtube, or iTunes. Follow Tov Music on YouTube and Instagram. Read Shawn Smucker's blog here, check out his other books here, and subscribe to his newsletter here. Follow Shawn on Twitter and Facebook.