Be Kind to People Working Behind Counters, For the Love.

behind the counterI don't know if this qualifies as a rant, but it's close.Twice this last week, I've witnessed people being unforgivably rude to people who work behind counters. This is unacceptable. We are not feral wolves.The first was at a CVS pharmacy. I was tired. This was the second pharmacy I had been to that didn't have the drug I needed to fill Ben's prescription for pain meds after he split his lip open, requiring ten stitches. The people behind the counter were being so helpful, calling around to other pharmacies to see where I could pick up what I needed.When I was checking out, I was behind an older guy who kept sighing and looking at me, and I wasn't sure what to do. When his transaction was completed, he looked at the young woman behind the counter, and declared, "Ask me why I'm never coming here again."She was flustered, but kept her cool. He fired off three or four more salvos designed to humiliate her before finally slinking off back into his den, wherever that was. I remember feeling a mixture of anger and protectiveness for this young woman who was just trying to do her job.The next was at Byerly's. After selecting an old fashioned glazed donut from the bakery, I walked by the deli. I heard the last part of the exchange, but it was tense. "You obviously don't care too much about selling it. I'm out of here," was what this woman spit out as she charged away in disgust, walking so fast that her bangs were flying up high above her forehead. The woman behind the counter tried to tell her that she was serving another customer, but it was too late. I caught the humiliated look in her eye before I found my way to the checkout station.Friends.Let's make a pact. No more being rude to our brothers and sisters who work behind counters. It doesn't matter if we've had a horrendous day and if our nerves are fried. It doesn't matter if they don't have what we need. It doesn't even matter if they're slow, or if they themselves might even be a little rude. That is no excuse to treat them as if they had just stolen our children. It is possible for you and for me to wait patiently, to go without something we need for a day or two, and to be kind.These are Basic. Human. Characteristics. This isn't graduate school loving, it's what we all learned in kindergarten.I've been guilty of rudeness, and so have you. But we're done with that. Deal?So let's make it our personal goal to brighten the day of anyone we come across who works behind a counter, because  they come across cranky, selfish people all day, and they probably want to cry most of the time.OK, rant complete. Thanks for playing.In it, together, friends.Photo Source