The greatest enemy to living your actual life

In my experience, the greatest enemy to living my actual life is to believe there's never enough.Never enough sleep. Never enough money. Never enough downtime. Never enough time in the day to get it all done.And we believe that we're not enough.Not funny enough, thin enough, brilliant enough, rich enough, compassionate enough.Brene Brown calls this scarcity thinking, and she is convinced that our culture has been through such significant trauma over the past decade (9/11, the recession, school shootings, layoffs, natural disasters) that it has taken hold of us in profound ways. In Daring Greatly, she writes "Worrying about scarcity is our culture's version of post traumatic stress."I can actually feel it in my stomach. Yesterday, Mary and I were talking about signing up our kids for some activities this summer, and it launched us into a frenzy of worry about how we don't have enough money. The kids felt it. Two of them actually crawled into out laps in order to get shelter from it!I fight this all the time. It's hard to see a way out.But we have a friend who is an amazing artist, and she created this piece for us to look at when we're feeling that scarcity is winning. It's inspired my one of my favorite verses, 2 Corinthians 9:8.Where do you feel like there's never enough? What do you do about it?20130217-070538.jpg