This Good Word, Episode 168: Reflections on Oscar Romero

Oscar Romero became the fourth Arch Bishop of San Salvador in 1977 when El Salvador was on the brink of Civil War. There were non-violent peasant protests and guerrillas who took up arms against the corrupt government (who was supported by the United States).Soon after Arch Bishop Romero's appointment, his friend Father Rutilio Grande was killed for speaking out against the oppression of the poor, and it deeply affected Romero. He began to use his own voice to amplify the voices of the voiceless, and he became a target. He was assassinated on March 24, 1980, at age 62, while celebrating mass.This Sunday, October 14, 2018, Romero will be canonized as a Catholic Saint by Pope Francis.In this podcast, I told Romero's unique story, and I offered some reflections on what we can learn from him during this time of violence and unrest in the United States.

We might be left without a radio station. God's best microphone is Christ; Christ's best microphone is the church, and the church is all of you. Let each one of you, in your own job, in your own vocation - nun, married person, bishop, priest, high school or university student, day laborer, wage earner, market woman - on in your own place - live the faith intensely and feel that in your surroundings you are a true microphone of God our Lord.- ArchBishop Oscar Romero

Enjoy the podcast.


SourceA 'Voice For The Voiceless': Sainthood For El Salvador's Archbishop Óscar Romero by Danny HajekPhoto Source