This Good Word, Episode 47: Blindspots with Steve Person (ShowNotes)

2011-lincoln-mkz-hybrid-side-view-mirror-with-blind-spot-indicator-photo-364288-s-1280x782On today's episode, I talked with my good friend Steve Person, who is a therapist at Cedar Hill Therapy in Edina, Minnesota. Steve and I have gone on dozens of runs together, and almost every time, we end up talking about recovery and wholeness. He's one of the few people in my life where I feel completely okay sharing how I'm doing without any kind of filtering or editing. So on this episode, that's what we talked about. In particular, we talked about the first necessary ingredient to recovery: the ability to be honest with ourselves and others. We talked about the blindspots that keep us from seeing ourselves and reality as it really is. I loved our conversation, and I think you will, too. Enjoy!(If you don't see the player below, click here to view it on your browser).


Get in touch with Steve Person via email: steve (at) cedarhilltherapy.comThe Body Keeps the Score: The Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, by Bessel van der KolkKrista Tippett interviews Bessel van der Kolk on On BeingThe Shack, by William Paul Young


Sobriety and Spirit

Click here for more information about Sobriety and Spirit, my one day event with Seth Haines that is happening on June 25th, 2016, in St. Paul, MN. Sobriety and Spirit is for anyone who wants to enter into an honest conversation about addiction, sobriety, grace, and spirituality. It is for those of us who are addicted – to chemicals, to approval, to obtaining the perfect body, to performance, to sex, or to anything else. It’s also for those who love addicts like us. We hope you’ll join us, no matter where you are at on your journey. We hope you’ll leave with hope, and with some new friends who are fellow travelers on a similar journey.

Register now. 

My work:

I host a weekly podcast. I wrote a book. I have a website. I am the pastor at a great little church. I am sometimes available to travel to hang with your tribe to help you all become more you. And yes, I do Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Oh, and if you'd like to stay up to date with my writing and events and such, you can subscribe to my email list. There. We're all caught up. Photo Source