What Does it Mean to be Brave?

What does it mean to be brave?Is it the strong warrior, brimming with valor and covered with armor, that rushes into battle?Is it the masses who have gathered to topple injustice?Is it the wavering pastor climbing to the pulpit, voice shaking with doubt and weary with exhaustion?Is it the single mother who simply decides that she is going to do it One. More. Time?Is it the bullied child who finally asks for help?Is it the addict who goes back to the meeting?What we need, now more than ever before, are stories and pictures of courage, because they fill us with hope. Last week, my wife sent me this video, and it wrecked me. What does it mean to be brave when you don't know the outcome and when life isn't getting any better? What does it mean to wrap our arms around each other and loudly declare that whatever else happens, we're in this together?It's only 3 minutes long. Check it out:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8xnLkyKgsE(If you can't see the above video in your reader, open up this link in your browser).Let's be brave together, friends. Let's defy despair by playing and laughing and singing into our most terrifying moments. We cannot do this alone. Let's spend our lives using the currency of joy. Then we'll never be bankrupt, no matter what happens."Find the real world, give it endlessly away, grow rich flinging gold to all who ask. Live at the empty heart of paradox. I'll dance with you there - cheek to cheek." -- Rumi